- 03-18 [亚洲] 乌兹别克斯坦 The Republic of Uzbekistan
- 03-18 [亚洲] 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan
- 03-18 [亚洲] 阿富汗 The Islamic State of Afghanistan
- 03-18 [亚洲] 伊拉克 The Republic of Iraq
- 03-18 [亚洲] 伊朗 The Islamic Republic of Iran
- 03-18 [亚洲] 约旦 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- 03-18 [亚洲] 沙特阿拉伯 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- 03-18 [亚洲] 巴林 The Kingdom of Bahrain
- 03-17 [亚洲] 卡塔尔 The State of Qatar
- 03-17 [亚洲] 科威特 The State of Kuwait
- 03-17 [亚洲] 阿联酋 The United Arab Emirates
- 03-17 [亚洲] 阿曼 The Sultanate of Oman
- 03-17 [亚洲] 也门 The Republic of Yemen
- 03-17 [亚洲] 巴勒斯坦 State of Palestine
- 03-17 [亚洲] 以色列 State of Israel
- 03-17 [亚洲] 叙利亚 Syrian Arab Republic
- 03-17 [亚洲] 黎巴嫩 Lebanese Republic
- 03-17 [亚洲] 塞浦路斯 Republic of Cyprus
- 03-17 [亚洲] 土耳其 Republic of Turkey
- 03-17 [亚洲] 阿塞拜疆 Republic of Azerbaijan
- 03-17 [亚洲] 格鲁吉亚 Georgia
- 03-17 [亚洲] 亚美尼亚 Republic of Armenia