- 03-16 [大洋洲] 澳大利亚 Commonwealth of Australia
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 巴布亚新几内亚 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 所罗门群岛 Solomon Islands
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 瓦努阿图 Republic of Vanuatu
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 新西兰 New Zealand
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 斐济 Republic of the Fiji Islands
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 汤加 Kingdom of Tonga
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 瑙鲁 Republic of Nauru
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 基里巴斯 Republic of Kiribati
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 图瓦卢 Tuvalu
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 萨摩亚 Independent State of Samoa
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 密克罗尼西亚联邦 Federated States of Micronesia
- 03-16 [大洋洲] 马绍尔群岛 Republic of the Marshall Islands
- 03-15 [大洋洲] 帕劳 Republic of Palau
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